Sunday, January 28, 2018

Remembering Grandma Moyer

Three days after our 2015 arrival in Orange Walk, we found ourselves greatly saddened. Our friend and supporter Glenna had passed.  It was our abrupt introduction to the things we miss while living abroad.  For Glenna, they created a google hangouts. We were able to "be there" from Belize, as was another friend in Hungary.

Two weeks ago my mother let me know that my maternal grandmother was getting weaker.  They felt her death was imminent.  My grandmother passed this past Friday.  I considered attending the funeral but plans that were made about 8 months ago prevented me from doing so.  It was a bit of a difficult week for me. Wednesday (the day of the funeral in PA) had me thinking about where I would have been, had there been an opportunity to be in PA.

It is difficult to be away at times such as these. I am aware that our lives appear exotic and fun. Currently I am just missing the chance to remember my grandmother. I was unable to attend the funeral. I can introduce you to her, and a little more about her life.

I can honestly say without her and my grandfather we may not have made it to Belize. They set an example for me at a young age. I was in second grade when my grandparents left to work in South Africa.  I imagined I would work in an African country one day. I can tell you it may happen but currently I am quite grateful for the shorter plane flight, and better availability for visits!

My grandparents also helped foster a love of books. They would give us books each year for our birthday. I treasure mine!  I have to admit that at times it felt like a "boring" gift. I am very thankful that they valued us enough to give us lasting treasures!

When I was younger, grandma used to run. I never watched her but I am in awe of her dedication. She even ran a few races!

My grandparents had a pet quail for a while. It laid tiny eggs. Their neighbor would take the eggs and make decorations out of them. I was ever amazed at how they could decorate such a tiny egg!

One of the memories I treasure the most was listening to my grandparents pray. They would sit at the table and read their morning devotions together. They would remember each of their children, grand children, and then great grandchildren in prayer. It was humbling, and encouraging at the same time.

The legacy that my grandmother left is one I admire. One can see it by simply looking at her children. I know that the hardworking, dedication and prayer come from my grandparents.  I am a third generation nurse. I am thankful to my grandmother for showing that she was able to be a nurse and a mother of 9. (Sometimes my 4 overwhelm me! )

Thank you for sharing this time with me, remembering her.  I hope you have a great week!


PS We are wanting to engage people more in prayer. If you would like to be added to that email (hopefully weekly or biweekly) list, please let us know!

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