yesterday we did a craft with shaving cream then used it to doctor our faces
The journey to Belmopan also added a passenger in our vehicle. We excitedly pulled into the parking lot, jumping out of the car to hug Jeimmy.
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Nathanael and Jeimmy work on learning ASL and Spanish (ASL for her, Spanish for him)
Jeimmy is the former leader of the Vida 220 team. They all were able to return to their passport countries. She hasn't found a way yet to get to El Salvador.
Jeimmy practices her ASL skills
We met Jeimmy in 2019 when she was a student/participant. She returned as a leader to Dangriga this January. She was able to visit Orange Walk twice with her team while serving alongside Tim and Julie.
the 2019 Belize Vida 220 team(when they rode on our scooter)
The 2020 Belize Vida 220 team
Jeimmy has been getting into the mix both language-wise and homeschooling. She is in the process of learning her third language (ASL) while at the same time improving her English. She bravely departs with Nathanael and participates in visiting church members. We also have had the privilege of enjoying her culinary skills twice a week. She is currently residing in the apartment. (on the property we rent).
Jeimmy and Nathanael on a visit; they helped with laundry
We are unsure when the 'bug' hit her but she's developed a heart for Deaf ministry. She is praying alongside us as to if she is called to be an intern here. Please pray with us for God's wisdom and vision. We entrust that God will answer our prayers for ministry partners in his way and his timing.
Zephaniah doing schoolwork with Jeimmy